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Friday, 18 December 2020

8 gadgets every small business needs

As a small business owner life can get pretty hectic - you’re wearing multiple hats and spinning several plates at any one time - so any technology that can ease your load has got to be a good thing, right? Whether you’re a veteran small business owner looking to increase your productivity and let’s face it, make your life that bit easier, or you’re a total newbie getting ready to launch your small business and want to arm yourself with all the tools you’ll need, we’ve got you covered. 

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Wednesday, 16 December 2020

How to set up guest WiFi in your business

Us Brits have become a nation of internet users, with a whopping 87% of all adults in the UK using the internet daily or almost daily, and over 50 million active smartphone users.  In fact, 80% of all smartphone users reportedly used their device on the go last year, a figure that’s steadily rising year-on-year, so it’s little surprise consumers today not only want but expect internet access wherever they are. 

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Email Address

Tuesday, 08 December 2020

9 ways to get email addresses from your customers

Collecting email addresses from existing and prospective customers is super important to businesses because the numbers show that email marketing is the number one method of connecting with customers. Compared to using social media, for example, emails boast a six times higher click-through rate than tweets and have been shown to be 40 times more effective at obtaining new customers than the likes of Facebook and Twitter. 

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