Monday, 04 September 2023
As a small business owner there’s never a time when giving your marketing strategies a revamp isn’t a good idea - after all, marketing is what attracts customers and customers are what make or break a business. Whether you’re a brand new start-up or a veteran business owner, there’s always room for improvement and new tactics and tools available to boost your marketing, so here we’ll share 10 marketing tips for SMEs to set you on the right track.
Monday, 04 September 2023
Marketing your retail business is one of the most important things you’ll do as a business owner, after all, it’s what ultimately brings customers through your door and any business owner knows the more of those you can get the better. But, before we take you through our six winning strategies for marketing your business, let us first say a big congratulations! Starting your own business and turning your vision into a reality is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but we don’t need to tell you it can be challenging too, so now you’ve reached this point you deserve an almighty pat on the back.
Monday, 04 September 2023
Customer feedback is one of the most important tools small businesses have at their disposal to stay ahead of the competition. Gathered and acted upon correctly, it can help you understand what your customers want, identify potential problems and build upon that knowledge to improve your offering going forward. However, in order to effectively use customer feedback, small businesses first need to understand what type of feedback is useful and how to go about asking for it.
Monday, 04 September 2023
There are social media platforms for every niche and interest nowadays. From the big four of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube to newer platforms like TikTok and Twitch, businesses have more opportunities than ever before to reach consumers with their message. Take Shein, for example. The online retailer has built a massive following on Instagram by sharing images of their products in action, often using influencers to promote them. Fenty Beauty took a similar approach on Snapchat, using short video clips to show off their products in use. And Dollar Shave Club built an empire by creating hilarious videos that went viral on YouTube.
Monday, 04 September 2023
The world of business websites is constantly evolving, and it’s now simpler than ever to create a great looking site thanks to the multitude of CMS’ on the market, at a very reasonable cost. But setting up your site is only a part of the story, regular maintenance is the key to success, so it’s super important that small business owners are up-to-date with the latest trends and customer demands to ensure they’re on their A-game.
Monday, 04 September 2023
As a small business owner, you’re no doubt already wearing many hats - entrepreneur, accountant, marketer, the list goes on - so do you really need to add another element to your jam-packed to-do list? The answer is, for many, yes, creating top-notch videos to promote your small business can bring tonnes of benefits, and help you boost your bottom lines, so finding the time to jump on the video-train is well worth the added effort.
Monday, 04 September 2023
The amount of sales made through digital platforms has been on the rise for many years, thanks to the technological boom of recent decades. In fact, research into online shopping shows some pretty mind-blowing stats: Anyone not living under a rock’s aware that 2020 hasn’t been your average year (understatement of the decade), and the impact of COVID-19 on online sales and digital payments has been astronomical:
Monday, 04 September 2023
Your business’ website serves as a hotspot for all your online traffic, making it one of the most important strings to your business’ bow. But, putting the time and effort (and probably money) into creating a great website is only half the story, you need to make sure your website’s doing its job. One of the most effective tools for doing just that is Google Analytics and shortly we’ll tell you everything you need to know about using it, but first, let’s strip it right back to basics and look at what your website should be doing.
Monday, 04 September 2023
The way we advertise has changed dramatically in recent years and gone are the days you’d post an ad in your local paper or put some flyers through people’s doors and hope for the best. The internet has become the place to be for businesses of all sizes - take Google for example, they thank online advertising for 95% of its revenue. No doubt you want a piece of the action, but how do you advertise your small business effectively online?