takepayments blog.

Blogging Benefits

Monday, 04 September 2023

The benefits of blogging for your online business

You’ve probably heard the word ‘blogging’ bandied around the online marketing arena more times than you can shake a stick at, but might be wondering what it’s all about and whether it’s something your business should be doing. The short answer is, yes.  Technology and consumer demands are constantly evolving and businesses need to keep up to engage and communicate with customers. According to a recent report, 80% of businesses incorporate blogging into their marketing efforts and acquire customers as a consequence, in fact, 82% agree it’s critical to their success. 

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Advertise Online

Monday, 04 September 2023

5 tricks to successfully selling online

In recent years the growth of online sales has been astronomical, in fact, the stats show in 2019 £1 of every £5 spent in the UK was spent online. What does that add up to? It’s pretty safe to assume then that business owners who operate online want a piece of the action, so we’re here to help. Whether you’re an online-only operation or you’ve got your finger in multiple pies, read on to discover our five top tips for successfully selling online. 

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Virtual Terminal Banner

Monday, 04 September 2023

How to set up appointments on your Facebook business page

Hairdressers, beauticians, therapists, did you know that you can set up appointments on your Facebook business page, so it’s really easy for your clients to book in with you? Here’s how (you’ll need to be a page admin, editor or moderator to do this):

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