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Credit And Debit Cards

Friday, 15 December 2023

What is a Bacs payment? An easy-to-understand guide for businesses

Transferring money between banks has never been easier in recent years thanks to digital payment methods, meaning you can send money to anyone, anywhere in the world, with the click of a button. But when a business sends money, the stakes are a little bit higher, especially when you’re sending large sums of money.

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Monday, 27 November 2023

What is a CHAPS payment? A simple guide for businesses

In the fast-paced world of business, your company needs to be able to make quick, efficient and high-value payments as swiftly as possible. This is where the CHAPS transfer method steps in, offering a robust solution for those critical, larger-sum transactions.  But what exactly is a CHAPS transfer, and is this payment option something that all businesses should consider using? We’ll deep dive into everything you need to know about CHAPS payments.

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Festive Season

Friday, 17 November 2023

How to prepare your business for Christmas: 5 tips for the festive period

The festive season is creeping up on us – it’ll be here before we know it. As well as being an important commercial event and a cultural holiday, Christmas requires plenty of preparation. For many businesses, performance over the festive season can determine whether they make a profit that year. As the retail landscape grows more competitive, it’s crucial to get it right and plan your festive strategy sooner rather than later.

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Black Friday Banner (1)

Monday, 13 November 2023

Black Friday: 7 Ways Small Businesses Can Prepare for Success

Although Black Friday initially has its roots across the pond in America to mark the Friday after Thanksgiving, the occasion has gone global and has fast become a huge shopping day here in the UK too. In recent years, Black Friday has also spurred the creation of ‘Cyber Monday’ and ‘Cyber Weekend’ – where e-commerce businesses can cash in by offering huge savings and discounts online across a three-day period, creating a weekend retail phenomenon. Research has found that over half of UK adults (51%) plan to shop over the Black Friday weekend, with total Black Friday sales in 2022 reaching an estimated £12.3 billion.

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Biometric Payments

Thursday, 09 November 2023

What are biometric payments — and do they really make transactions more secure?

In recent years, we've witnessed an incredible evolution in the world of payment methods. Card payments have become increasingly seamless, from the widespread adoption of contactless payments to the convenience of using smart wearable devices for transactions. But what lies ahead in the realm of payment technology? Today, we're delving into biometric payments, a cutting-edge approach that could redefine how we make card payments.

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Wednesday, 08 November 2023

Does my website need a privacy policy?

If you're just taking your business online, you'll no doubt have a list of to-dos as long as your arm. One item that can easily be overlooked is the addition of a privacy policy to your website — though vitally important following the introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) throughout Europe and the UK. With these regulations being relatively new, it's easy — especially for startups and small-business owners — to overlook the importance of a coherent privacy policy.

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