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Monday, 04 September 2023

What is SEO and how can it help your business?

Search engines have become man’s best friend and something most people rely on day in, day out. While there are loads to choose from though, the main ones, of course, are Yahoo, Bing, and Google - aka the giant.  The stats show Google is used to search a staggering 63,000 times per second, equating to over 2 trillion searches per year. Wow. 

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Blogging Benefits

Monday, 04 September 2023

The benefits of blogging for your online business

You’ve probably heard the word ‘blogging’ bandied around the online marketing arena more times than you can shake a stick at, but might be wondering what it’s all about and whether it’s something your business should be doing. The short answer is, yes.  Technology and consumer demands are constantly evolving and businesses need to keep up to engage and communicate with customers. According to a recent report, 80% of businesses incorporate blogging into their marketing efforts and acquire customers as a consequence, in fact, 82% agree it’s critical to their success. 

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Advertise Online

Monday, 04 September 2023

5 tricks to successfully selling online

In recent years the growth of online sales has been astronomical, in fact, the stats show in 2019 £1 of every £5 spent in the UK was spent online. What does that add up to? It’s pretty safe to assume then that business owners who operate online want a piece of the action, so we’re here to help. Whether you’re an online-only operation or you’ve got your finger in multiple pies, read on to discover our five top tips for successfully selling online. 

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Gain Trust Online

Monday, 04 September 2023

How to build trust in your business online

In an increasingly online world, it's important you try to get your customers to trust your brand over your competitor’s. Modern shoppers are different from the consumers of yesteryear and today they can easily do a bit of digging about a brand before parting with their hard-earned cash. In fact, many of them do, with research showing 61% of consumers will browse online reviews before completing a purchase.

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Marketing Tips

Monday, 04 September 2023

10 marketing tips for SMEs

As a small business owner there’s never a time when giving your marketing strategies a revamp isn’t a good idea - after all, marketing is what attracts customers and customers are what make or break a business. Whether you’re a brand new start-up or a veteran business owner, there’s always room for improvement and new tactics and tools available to boost your marketing, so here we’ll share 10 marketing tips for SMEs to set you on the right track.

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Impact On Payments

Monday, 04 September 2023

How to market a new retail business

Marketing your retail business is one of the most important things you’ll do as a business owner, after all, it’s what ultimately brings customers through your door and any business owner knows the more of those you can get the better. But, before we take you through our six winning strategies for marketing your business, let us first say a big congratulations! Starting your own business and turning your vision into a reality is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but we don’t need to tell you it can be challenging too, so now you’ve reached this point you deserve an almighty pat on the back.

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