What to do with your extra 24 hours

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What to do with your extra 24 hours

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Ever found yourself wishing there were more hours in the day? Unfortunately, we can’t make that happen, but thanks to the Gregorian calendar every four years we get an extra day in the year (thanks, Pope Gregory XIII!).

At takepayments we’re determined to help make 2020 the best year for businesses yet, and so we’ve donned our thinking caps, got creative and come up with 14 ways you can make the most of the extra 24 hours for your business. 

1. Plan

Use the day to plan ahead for the coming months, there’s always loads on the horizon for business owners so the bonus day could save you time for other important jobs down the line. Here are a few ideas of things to plan for:

  • Future offers and discounts
  • Themed campaigns like St. Patrick’s Day, Easter or Halloween
  • Marketing strategies
  • Product launches

Looking for some inspiration? Check out our guide on how to make the most out of Easter for your business. 

2. Clean

Start your spring cleaning early. It’ll leave you feeling accomplished and proud of your premises but more importantly, it’ll spark feelings of joy in your customers - research shows a whopping 99% of consumers are influenced by poor cleanliness. 

3. Organise

Is your office looking like one big pile of paperwork? Then seize the opportunity to get things in order. Consider investing in a new filing system so everything has its place and you save yourself time hunting for invoices and order forms in the future. 

If you’re feeling really bogged down, you could take things one step further by moving your paperwork online - technology like EPOS tills allow you to keep your spreadsheets, account info, inventory data and heaps more in one neat piece of equipment, and adopting pay by link cuts out the need for paper invoices full stop (plus makes getting paid quicker and easier!) - less faffing with paperwork for you and better for the environment, it’s a win-win!

4. Celebrate

Show your workforce a bit of love and you’ll boost their job satisfaction and commitment to your business, and that can only be a good thing for your bottom lines. So, with that in mind, why not use the extra day in Feb as an excuse to treat your staff?

Did you know? 69% of employees admit they’d work harder if they felt recognised and appreciated by their employer.

You don’t need to go overboard - especially if your purse strings won’t allow it, but something as simple as buying everyone breakfast, lunch, or a drink after work can go a long way in thanking them for all their hard work. 

5. Volunteer

Always wanted to do something charitable but never seem to have the time? Then the 29th Feb might be the perfect opportunity. If you’ve got an organisation in mind then fab, if not then scope out local charities to find your perfect fit. 

If you want to take things one step further then get the whole team involved and organise a company volunteer day - places like food banks, soup kitchens and care homes would be a great fit for this kind of activity. 

Remember: Take some snaps of your charity day and share them on your social feeds to foster feelings of warmth and good-will in consumers. 

6. Take a break

Business owners are mega-passionate, hard-working and will stop at nothing to make their dream a reality and this can put them at risk of burnout, aka exhaustion. So, if you feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends then consider using your bonus day to recoup.

Read a book, watch a film, get your hair done, or whatever it is that’ll give you a little R&R and leave you feeling fresh and regenerated to start again. We know it can be hard to take a step back, but look after yourself and your business will reap the benefits!

7. Review 

Did you make some New Year’s resolutions for your business? If so, dig them out and check how you’re doing so far, if you never got round to it (and who could blame you?) then your extra day could be the perfect time. It’s only the second month of the year, after all. 

If you’re not sure where to start then save yourself some time and read our guide to small business New Year resolutions to get the ball rolling. 

8. Offer

Hold a one day only offer and use the 24 hours to bring in some extra cash. You might discount your best-seller by 10% on Feb 29th only, or have a 2-for-1 on drinks, but whatever you choose, plan it ahead and drum up interest beforehand so it’s a success. Here’s an example:

‘The leap year has really put a spring in our step, so to celebrate the bonus day we’ve decided to offer our lovely customers 10% off our popular [insert product name] for 24 hours only! Hurry, offer ends at midnight on the 29th!’

9. Learn

Seize the chance to freshen up your skills. You could read the latest small business blog, learn how to use more of the features on your EPOS system, clue yourself up on SEO or Google Analytics, or anything else that’s relevant to your business and will help it flourish going forward.

Need a hand? Our articles on SEO and Google Analytics will set you on the right track and don’t worry, you don’t need to be a tech boffin to follow them!

10. Teach

Perhaps you’ve already got the skills to pay the bills, but your staff could do with a refresher. Get them together on your extra day and give them a coaching session so everyone’s up to speed. 

It might be your payment systems they need training to use, some tips on excellent customer service, or new product features. Whatever it is, once everyone’s confident and proficient, your business will benefit. 

11. De-clutter

Generally speaking, business owners can be guilty of buying equipment and gadgets (especially when they’re starting out) that they don’t need and never use. If that sounds all too familiar, why not make use of the day to get rid?

Take some pics and put the un-needed items for sale on Facebook Marketplace or Gumtree, you’ll free up some space and end up with an extra cash injection, bonus! 

12. Save some money

If your cash flow could do with a little sprucing up, you can save yourself a pretty penny by comparing the market, cutting out un-needed costs, and switching supplier. 

Get together a list of your monthly outgoing for things like utilities, rent, phone and internet, subscription services and so on, and make your way down the list contacting suppliers and competitors and seeing where you can save some cash. 

Top tip: For a more in-depth look into cash flow and how to handle it successfully, head to our handy guide. 

13. Spruce up your social

For small business owners with heaps on their plate, managing social media accounts can often slip to the bottom of a large to-do list. But, the marketing opportunities they offer are vast and definitely something you’ll want to get your hands on. 

So, set February 29th aside as the day to do something about it by getting online and making sure any profiles you already have running are up to date and packed with relevant content. Check your brand image is being consistently portrayed too, and reply to any customer feedback. 

If you’re not on social yet, there’s no time like the present. Just head to our guide on creating a social media strategy. 

14. Upgrade

Had your eye on the latest tech for a while? Perhaps Feb 29th is the day to look into upgrading. Scope out the market, find the best deals, and ring up suppliers to find out the best price available. 

You might not be able to afford what you want there and then, but at least you’ll end up with a better idea of what you need to be saving for. And don’t forget, some vendors will offer you a discount if you trade in your existing products, so always ask, it might cost you less than you think.

If it’s your payment systems that need bringing up to speed, here at takepayments, all of our products are top-of-the-range and accept the latest payment methods, plus we offer:

  • No set-up fees
  • Local consultants
  • Short 12-month contracts
  • Personalised pricing packages.

So, whether it’s EPOS systems, card machines or online payments you’re after, get in touch with our experts on 08082 390206, on Feb 29th or any day of the year, to see how we can help.

Bryony Pearce

Bryony Pearce


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