Simply enter your details below and we'll provide you with an indicative cost, based on your criteria.


What do you expect your card turnover to be per YEAR?


Please select which industry your business operates in

Hair & Beauty

What's your average transaction value?

£0.00 to £50.00
£50.00 to £100.00
£100.00 to £500.00
£500.00 to £1,000.00

The calculator is ready to generate results based on your answers.

Please select an option
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Our card payments service

This summary shows our charges for card payments, and other important information about our service.
You can use this to compare our service with other providers, to find the best deal for you.
We are required to provide this information by the Payment Systems Regulator.

Your costs for accepting common individual card payments5

Mastercard VISA
UK-based card Debit2 Credit3 Business4 Debit2 Credit3 Business4 Additional charges per transaction
In person6 percent% percent% percent% percent% percent% percent% Authorisation fee £rate
Online/phone7 percent% percent% percent% percent% percent% percent%
Other potential transaction charges Chargeback fee £rate Revival fee £rate

Your costs for accepting common individual card payments5

UK-based card Debit2 Credit3 Business4
In person6 percent% percent% percent%
Online/phone7 percent% percent% percent%
UK-based card Debit2 Credit3 Business4
In person6 percent% percent% percent%
Online/phone7 percent% percent% percent%
Additional charges per transaction Authorisation fee £rate
Other potential transaction charges Chargeback fee £rate
Revival fee £rate


If your customer uses a Mastercard personal debit card in person to purchase a £1O item, you would pay: £rate(percent% of £rate) +£rate(authorisation fee) =£rate
If your customer uses a VISA personal credit card online or by phone to purchase a £1O item, you would pay: £rate(percent% of £rate) +£rate(authorisation fee) =£rate


If your customer uses a Mastercard personal debit card in person to purchase a £1O item, you would pay:
£rate(percent% of £rate) +£rate(authorisation fee) =£rate
If your customer uses a VISA personal credit card online or by phone to purchase a £1O item, you would pay:
£rate(percent% of £rate) +£rate(authorisation fee) =£rate

Other monthly charges

Point-of-sale terminal (per terminal per month) £rate
Gateway8 included
PCI DSS service fee9 £rate
Minimum monthly service charge (MMSC)10 £rate

Other details

Settlement time Next Day
Payment brands accepted VISA
  1. The proportion of your transactions represented by each card type.
  2. Personal debit cards.
  3. Personal credit cards.
  4. Business debit cards.
  5. These are the most commonly used cards for most merchants. You pay us a percentage of each card payment you receive. This varies depending on the type of card. You may also accept other card brand and types, which may cost more. You can see the cards you accept in your transaction information.
  6. A card payment where the card, cardholder and merchant are all in the same place.
  7. A card payment where the card, cardholder and merchant are not all in the same place.
  8. A service for capturing and transferring payment data.
  9. Charges relating to your compliance with card security and anti-fraud standards.
  10. Amount payable if your monthly transaction charges do not meet a minimum agreed amounts.

Our card machine prices and fees.

We know that if you're interested in taking card payments, you'll want to understand how much it could cost.

To help you get an idea of what your costs could look like, we've created a simple calculator. Just enter your details, and we'll provide you with an indicative cost, based on what you put in.

We offer a range of different prices, and from a more detailed conversation with you, we can work out exactly what we can offer based on your business needs.

Speak to us today to find out more.

Accepted card payments

Why choose takepayments?

Money Next Day
Next day settlement*

It's your money so why wait for it? Keep your cash flowing with next day settlement.

5 Star Service
5 star customer service

Thousands of customers have already gone online to express their satisfaction with the 5 star service we provide.#

Contracts From 30 Days
Contracts from 30 days

Our Welcome Team will get you transacting quickly and confidently and will be there if you've any questions. 

You Re Not On Your Own
You're not on your own

You don't have to worry about being tied in, we have a range of different contract lengths, depending on what you need. 

See what our customers are saying

We're rated 5 stars on Trustpilot

Terms and conditions apply. 

Businesses will be required to enter into and maintain a separate contract with an acquiring bank nominated by takepayments for the processing of the card transactions. Under the contract with the acquiring bank, transaction charges and other fees will apply.

*This service is available to takepayments Limited customers who are accepted for acquiring services and is subject to the acquirers' approval and terms & conditions. Your card machine’s banking window function must be performed before the acquirer's set time in order to receive settlement the next day or next banking day. Transactions processed via Ecommerce pay pages, pay by link and virtual terminals may be subject to different settlement timescales.

#Correct as of July 2024. 

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